Hashmi, the brain-child of a group of experienced medical practitioners is based on a methodical understanding of the medical needs of people around the world.
In 1929, Mr. Mehtab Uddin Hashmi start The Hashmi International in India. Since its beginning has been an mirror image of client necessities. He had a mission, to make quality phytopharmaceuticals accessible to the general people inidenticle packages. History of the company implies the success of very strong desire, courage to face the entire self-assurance en route turning dreams into a reality and a lot of research, of course. Their trustworthy passion to lighten the plight of the needy and suffering community remains the motivation behind the entire effort.
Hashmi Unani Pharmacy consider ourselves feel very lucky as We have the reputation of providing a wide range of Herbal Health Care products and offer you the kindness of natural solutions for daily use, with no side effects.
We belive in pureity and safety. We give our best to our patients so that they get good results of our medicines. We are always serve optimal health, more abundant energy, achieve your ideal weight, and much, much more - all through the use of safe, effective, natural, herbal products. So why are you waiting for and thinking about the effectiveness of our product. We are sure about our productiveness.
By providing medicines treatment our mission is to improve the quality of life by enabeling people to do more, feel better and live longer. Our mission is to provide you with the best herbal products you need at the lowest price with good guidance available related to the most important part of life. Hashmi's Pharmacy has a successful reputed name establishment in domestic market. We are well prominent manufacturers and suppliers of herbal medicines.